CLAMP DESIGN - A clamp is an outer sleeve formed in two or more segments , placed around an existing tubular joint to provide additional strengthening. A study was performed for clamp design using Finite Element Analysis which simulates the actual scenario.

CONDUCTOR SHIELDING - A directional CFD analysis used on a conductor array to estimate hydrodynamic drag and inertia coefficients. This helps us to estimate the proper directional hydrodynamic coefficients which in turn help us in optimising the jacket structure.

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SCF ESTIMATION - A Finite Element Analysis is performed to estimate accurately the Stress Concentration factors for un-orthodox structural arrangement like conductor guides, overlapped joints, clamps, etc.

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TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS - The purpose of this study was to determine the Dynamic Amplification Factor for wave load using irregular time domain analysis. This study was performed to see the structural sensitivity as structure natural period was greater than 4.0 seconds.

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