Husky CNOOC Madura Ltd. (HCML hereinafter called CLIENT) plans to develop the Madura Strait Block BD gas reserves for sales gas to buyers in Java Island. The project includes an offshore spread moored converted tanker based Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) with gas processing facilities and self-sufficient offsite and utility systems.
As part of this project, Dresser Rand was assigned to manufacture a Gas compressor system for the proposed FPSO. They designed and manufactured the whole package as per requirement mentioned by Client(including associated facilities).
Abyssal Technologies scope was to provide detail design and engineering services for Gas Compressor & Motor Skid as per standard offshore codes and practices along with company specification. The General Philosophy of the design would be to develop minimum skid weight to maintain structural adequacy for all the loads and load conditions that the skid will experience during the life of the facility and to ensure that the structural design is within the allowable limits defined in the applicable codes and standards. We carried out the skid in-service, transit, transportation, lift and vibration analysis.